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Monday December 5, 2005 - 4:05PM EDT

All the presidnet has left anymore is the don't be a chicken shit line. That is the only thing he has left to show for his 4+ years in office. When pressed on Iraq it is always the same thing now. We can't run because that means they win. Logic like that doesn't make sense no matter how you slice it. It is simplistic and barely fits into schoolyard rablerousing. I just wonder if his administration thinks the american people are that stupid to actually believe in that crap-ass line beyond 5th grade or they actually believe it themselves. The Republican party is in shambles. They were already seen as backdoor crooks and not just people on the other side of the idealogy spectrum by their opposition. They are just prooving a whole bunch of people right and the funniest part is that they still find nothing wrong with their shennanigans as a whole because frankly it is they way it has been done for way too long. Country is in shambles organizationally. Basically the war and natural disasters finally pulled the wool off some idiots eyes to show them how ineffective and ineffecient our government is. They say the 2nd terms are not as good as the first. Well if you want to call Bush's first term good go ahead. Even clinton had the great economy to ride out his 2nd term on. Bush doesn't have a goddamn thing. Come to think of it. Bush never had anything positive in his presidency. Country has gotten progressively worse since Clinton left office and nothing has improved one bit since.

I'm not particularly caring or am I this all human life is precious type of person. But I'll be goddamn if I keep reading articles about how people get put on death-row mainly through a witness or confession of a third party. Seems like it should be much more difficult than it is to get someone executed.

I hate the term "victims' rights". I should be rephrased as "revenge rights" because that is all it is. Once your a victim all your so called rights and protections have been eradicated. Victims' rights is an oxymoron. Victims are people who's rights have been taken away. Just for the sake of being honest with ourselves we have to expose this farce known as victims' rights. Maybe if we were and referred to it as revenge people would be more pensive about it when using victims' rights as a reason for death penality and a whole slew of other things.

Frankly I don't know how 1 billion plus people call themselves Christians and live the way they do. How is it that our president considers himself a Christian but signed off on death warrants during his governership. What happened to the 10 commandments. It doesn't get anymore basic and clear than "thou shalt not kill". How in the hell a whole bunch of Christians reasoned that to mean its ok to kill sometimes is beyond me.



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