Sunday November 20, 2005 - 7:24PM EDT
After reading an article on Vitamin C and thinking about my 9th biology class I began to think about diet. More specifically I think about all the various claims about certain aspects of food having this or that benefit or detriment. Such claims outside the context of being knowledgable of how the human body works can be misleading. Particularly disturbing is the disconnect between mainstram dieting and detailed human biochemisty. Ther are a lot of various diets out there all part of fads that do certain things. I don't want to discount these diets but I want them to be enhanched with knowledge of the underlying mechanisms that they operate on. The general public that has little knowledge of the detailed inner workings of the human body and are presented with these diets are bound to come to incorrect conclusions about the diets and themselves. The lack of understanding or drive to understand the underlying science behind some things is really disappointing.