Wednesday November 9, 2005 - 3:54PM EDT
Eagles are becoming devious in their dealing with the TO situation. They want it both ways. They don't want him to play for the team but they also don't want him to play anywhere else. That is fucked up. If you don't want him, cut him, release him, whatever. Don't stop him from playing anywhere else. I hope the players union wins their battle to get him to at least have the option to play somwhere else this year. The eagles are really trying to fuck him over. TO not on the field is not good for the league. He is not the sole reason that they suck this year. An arbitrator is going to rule on the situation. TO messed up big time but the eagles are trying to get away with nonsense. They put themselves in this place. They have two choices. Cut him or let him come to the facility and raise a ruckus. They can suspend him for maximum 4 games. However after that since he is still technically part of the team he would be allowed to practice with them and come to the facility. They don't have to play him but they can't kick him out of practice and the facility. There would have to be some kind of understanding where he doesn't come to the facility but they still pay him. Like with Keyshawn last year. Keyshawn agreed to stay away he didn't have to. I say eagles should just bite the fucking bullet and bring him back. Ignore whatever the fuck he says and just use him on the field where he gives 100%. People talk about this being professional sports and players having to submit to the team concept. Well why does the organization get to act like a baby and want to feel bad when they get their feelings hurt. What about all the other players on the team who get pissed because someone said something naughty. No one calls them whiners. When a player is that good you learn to deal with it and reap the benefits. I just don't understand how this man attracts so much attention. As if good teams didn't have their whiners.
I want to know who made the final decision. I am slow to attack Reid on the situation because I don't think this came down to him. I think he was probably one of the few willing to work it out. Lurie seems like a hands of guy willing to let his staff deal with things so I don't think he was instrumental. I just can't fathom benching a player for something he said and a locker room fight. Are the eagles that shallow. Ok suspend him one game for the fight that is acceptable maybe 2. But it is not like baseball or basketball there aren't that many football games in a season. Worse things had to have been said by a player and not face as harsh consequences he had.
I don't get the feeling that the whole team is against him either. Westbrook comments are one indication and no one on the team has come out to lambast him as much as certain media members. There is hurt feelings, but what the fuck man, we are trying to win a superbowl. Who in that orginzation made this decision to get rid of TO and then try to keep him from playing anywhere. I was listening to Dan Patrick on espn radio yesterday and he was strong in his indicment of TO but didn't leave the eagles completely off the hook. He still sounding like he was buying into the hype that TO was some kind of monsterous person. I can live with someone agreeing that TO should go. But I can't live with someone not calling out the eagles for trying to prevent him to play somewhere else.
You know what I love about this is that they keep writing that Owens said eagles would be better off with favre as quarterback. However they never write it with quotation marks because he never actually said those exact words. He was asked that question and in his round about way said yes he agreed. He didn't hold some press conference or some radio show were he declared without prodding that the eagles would be better with Favre. I like how Westbrook said get some things ironed out with the organization when talking about TO. He was declaring that he had no problem with him. We get this feeling that TO dismissals was a players influenced decision. Did the playes vote? Ha, who knows. TO needs to stop giving any and all interviews and say nothing to nobody. I also like how you read now about how Owens "forced" a trade. Yeah he forced a trade but the caveat to that was that he was supposed to be a free agent except his agent didn't file paperwork on time. To keep saying he "forced" a trade to insinuate a history of obnouxious behavior is ludicrous. His agent fucked up and the 49ers tried to take advantage. So don't categorize his "forced" trade as something else. I wonder how good he could be if someone just let him be.
I read this one clown calling TO direspectful to the game. Fuck that shit. You better call Bill Romonoski disrespectful to the game before you lambast TO. I don't know how that fucker got off so easily. Admitted steriod user during his career and he ended the career of another player with a punch to the face. Chris Carter was the only player I saw go off on Bill Romonowski and said he was a jerk and hated playing against him because he was dirty.