Robot Recylcing
Wednesday November 9, 2005 - 10:41AM EDT
I was just thinking how everything on the planet that people use can be recyled with today's technology. It really could. Lets take a look see. Organic waste easy. Electronics, already being done on a small scale but possible for all electronics, easy. Packaging, little more difficult, but there are biodegradable plastics out there and they could probably be feasably used in all the packaging we use, done. Clothing, little more difficult again but there are promising things on the biodegradable fibre front. New socks in coming out in Japan prove this. Just take a look around whereever you are at right now. I dare you to find someting that can't be recycled. Nothing should ever have to go in a landfill because there is no use for it. All paper, metal and plastics can be recycled. Unless you have plutonium laying around you can recylce everything you come into contact with. Even household chemicals can be neutralized and recycled. The mentality amoung humans is not of recycling. Which is funny because everything else on planet is built around that. This could be changed so fast. This is something that could begin to happen today. If I had a few billion lying around I'd buy BFI or one of those trash companies and turn it into a total recycling company. It could be done if anyone had any gumption. I look into my trash sometimes and think, holy shit how in the hell can all this not be recycled somehow. The whole concept of seperate recycling programs is damaging to my concept. You need one garbage collection program. And that program recycles everything.
I am particularly peeved by the lack of electronics recycling. How is it that every town in the country doesn't have a day to pickup and recycle electronics. There is no sane reason that all electronics are not recylced in america. Talk about job creation. We want to bring back manufacturing jobs so bad. Fuck that shit we have enough stuff coming in from China. Switch those manufacturing jobs into demanufacturing jobs until we invent robots that can do it.