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Die and pay taxes

Sunday November 6, 2005 - 9:25PM EDT

I was just thinking about taxes. Specifically how the hell people got so turned around into thinking taxes are too high. Saying this is like raging against charity, no one will ever believe you. The tax system is so convoluted that those with the means to pay substaintial taxes use the system to pay less than they should. So they want to overhaul the system. They need to make it so that those with the means can't evade taxes using the system so easily. Then they need to raise taxes for the upper portions of the scale and reduce it completely for lower portions. How is it that anyone is complains about taxes. That is ridiculous. It is an idea put in people's heads by politicians. Low taxes doesn't benefit people of meager means. Even people of pretty good means, lower taxes are a pittance. The effect on each individual person is not nearly enough to justify the loss on the larger scale. It is simple, you don't need an economics degree to see this. Higher taxes means more money for the government, who's job it is to advance society and use it for programs that benefit the entire commonwealth. You can argue about mismanagement and whatnot, but a good portion of the money will go into education, healthcare, etc. Now what happens when we give that money back to the people individually in the form of tax cuts or lower taxes. That money is spent on personal things. Frankly what else are you going to spend that money on. However when people shop and buy sure they help the economy but a percentage of that money will go to companies and individuals who don't put it back into the commonwealth. So what happens when you lower taxes, the commonwealth suffers and the offset of better economy can't equal the governmental loss. A competent economist could explain it better. Unfortunately no one listens to them. Just the vodoo economists. That trickle down reganomics bullshit that some losers are so up on.

Often on these cable news/debate shows no one ever gets down to the core of somones arguement. They deal with surface issues so much that no one gets exposed for what they really are. I rarely hear the line of questioning the burrows down to their core beliefs. What happens when you get there is you usually find ugliness. So it is just much eaiser to deal with certain "issues" instead of peoples core beliefs. Then politicians only spread their view on issues. Which people agree with or disagree with. I think if you asked the right questions you would find that most of the views put forth clash with each other in core values. When they clash you uncover the sinister underbelly of some people. You find out what they really feel instead of getting their "view" on an issue.



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