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Friday November 4, 2005 - 3:51PM EDT
But he said science, too, should listen to religion.
"We know where scientific reason can end up by itself: the atomic bomb and the possibility of cloning human beings are fruit of a reason that wants to free itself from every ethical or religious link," he said.

full article

So I applaud half of what he says about religion listening to science. But being a cardinal means that he has to someone how defend religion. This is where he goes terribly astray. This loser thinks science should listen to religion. You have got to be joking. Science needs to finish the job of ripping religion to shreds and seeing it out the door. First of all to insinutate that science seeks to divorce itself from ethical thinking is ludicrous. Science is not a person so it has no ethics. Ethics apply to people and is usally a load of crap anyway. Secondly to deride science for the creation of the atomic bomb and not even mention the countless wars the conflict rooted in religion is idiotic. As for cloning, what a fucking loser. Don't give me that sanctity of life and playing god bullshit. Greatest part about the article is you clearly see that Pope John Paul subscribed to evolution. And most importantly of all. Religion and science are not on equal standing or two sides of a debate. Religion is a ugly little step child of human thought and knowledge. Science is all human thought and knowledge. Of course pure science is trying to rid itself of religious nonsense. Religion is giving up on science and attributing this world to mystical causes to which we can't understand. Science say fuck that shit and stop being a loser. The whopper in this is his insiting that knowledge of the faith be taken as expert in humanity. Holy flipping shit. Religion is just a bastardized dogmatic rehash of more rational human thought that exists outside its restrictive and mystical confines. Religion is no expert, it is a fucking hack that has robbed mankind of reason. The fact that it is still robbing us of our potential is disturbing. But luckily the trend is to, as the believers say "turn away from god".



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