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Wednesday November 2, 2005 - 10:23AM EDT

I made a post about how much I don't like religious headgear. Except for that bitching sikh turban (it is stylish in some and i just wish it would catch on). France banned religious headgear in schools a while ago and it seems to be going well. There is a conufucian proverb that goes something like; A nail that sticks out will be hammered back in. You see that proverb a few times studying Japanese as it is said to be a part of their society's conformism. Which overall has its good and bad aspects.

I just want to eliminate all religious dress outside of the privacy of the place of worship or special cermonies. I'd like to see religion dissapear anyway, but that is another story. The wearing of religious headgear and whatnot in public is retarded. I went over this before. I went over how it is an annoucement of you affiliation when no one even asked and that it is implying your exclusion from the rest of society. It is akin to dying your hair bright colors or dressing goth. Ok express yourself but don't get mad when people don't like it or think bad thoughts of you. Your expression is simplistic and generalized. So expect the same kind of response. Besides it is not like the color of your skin which you can't feasably control. You don't have to wear a hat.



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