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Friday September 17, 2004 - 3:59AM EDT

I don't know when it happened but all of a sudden I have way to much work. Work outside of work. It is kinda of pissing me off that I don't have enough time to do it. Fuck, I need to get these things finished. I have been really bad at returning phone calls, I just have no time to do this work when going to work everyday. I need to sleep. Because work is so far away it takes 12hrs out of my whole day, that is the whole day give me only a few hours a day to do other things if I decide to sleep. I hate this, it makes me hate the job I am at even more because I feel like I am wasting my time there but also feel like it is robbing me of time that I could be doing something useful. I got an email from a recruiter looking for a web developer who also has Japanese language skills. Pay was 70-80k, but I am not sure where the position was so that means nothing. Unfortunately my japanese is a very rusty and they wanted someone fluent. I emailed back just to see if I get a response. That would be the dream job though, web design and japanese, then chances of getting contacted about a position like that are probably slim to none.



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