Friday October 14, 2005 - 2:12PM EDT
I read about how a certain flu drug is in short supply everywhere on the planet and only made by one company. Let's see here. We have patents and companies trying to protect profits or at least not "give away" their money makers. We also have the potential for a deadly pandenmic that pretty much everyone is in agreement that it will happen and we need to be prepared. Furthermore we have the technology and know-how to contain and stop such a pandemic and everyone is in agreement on that. I fail to see how this turns into a pandemic. If you can't tell that last sentence was sarcastic. The pathetic part about this situation is that everyone agrees how bad it could be and how to prevent it. Yet nothing is done. Not even a hint of cooperation among pharmacuetical companies or world governments. Pathetic. They will give you a million excuses as to why they aren't doing anything. Does anyone wonder why I have no respect or confidence in the world at large anymore or why I could care less about standards and policies or working for THE MAN.