Thursday October 13, 2005 - 1:03AM EDT
Why doesn't anyone challenge car makers and engineers to come up with an automated highway system in 10 years. Not build one, but in 10 years have the plan to begin to start to build one. Like the interstate higway project of the 50's it would be a great challenge and and great thing. I don't hear people talking about that kind of thing. All I hear is making cars more fuel efficient. Let's virtually eliminate vehicular accidents on highways. This is so freaking possible it is not even funny. Fuck, I'm just mad at people and their patheticness. I read about Microsoft wanting to launch a system of satelittes to provide global internet access or something like that. Great idea, to bad they are too busy making crappy software and arguing with the rest of the crappy software industry to do something awesome like that.
I think everybody has generally the same goals. They just don't agree how to get there. I guess I don't know. I think about the software industry.
I don't get how anybody keeps defending anything our government and president bush does anymore. I can't remember the last time the government made a decent policy deicision. Not in my lifetime probably. You know what I always hear a lot from defenders of conservatism. "Stop being so liberal" and "the media is smearing government" and "you lost get over it". It is like they have nothing to show for the government they suppport so they simply attack the detractors. Usually when you support something you cite the benefits of it. But there aren't any (or at least very very few) to speak of. I don't know what kind of arguement "you liberals want him to fail" is. As if somehow that is the reason for a crappy performance. Very weird.
I wish I could gather articles back from Clinton's presidency to see how things were said when they were the other way around. First of all, since the country was in much better shape there was probably less things to fault someone one. But then again.
I try to think about each issue and the parties stance on each. See where they are going wrong. War on terrorism, ha just think about the war on drugs. War on terrorism must be some kind of joke. First off you send armies in to destabalize and secularly ruled country. Now suddenly that secularism is going out the window and along comes religion. Besides the fact that religion is nonsense this stuff is extreme radical religion. Ok forget about actually going to war, because that shit already happened. How do you end it? Ha, apparently no one knows. Not the supporters not the detractors nobody. You can only decry the crapulance of a situation for so long when it is obvious no one is listening (this is know personally). So when I hear a whole bunch of countries withdraw support from the shit in Iraq and that is it I want to shit in their garden. How is it that we are always personally chastised for complaining and not doing anything but that seems to be the norm and the encouraged way of doing things on the world stage. Supporters of the war have the right to call them cowards for sure. Not for pulling out of Iraq, but for sitting there with their thumbs up their asses and doing jackshit about it. That is playing loserball and I am a regular at loserball. I'm tired now.