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I'm losing my mind

Tuesday October 11, 2005 - 11:53PM EDT

So I am watching the evening news and I see this consumer report on tires. Specifically filling your car tires with Nitrogen. I decided to listen carefully to the whole report before I went out and shot somebody in the head. Why do they continue to give such half-assed reports. Holy freaking shit. The only mention that regular air is 80% nitrogen was an off the cuff remark toward the end of the story by the reporter. Throughout the whole report and even after the only astute comment they continued to make a distinction between filling your tires with oxygen or filling them with nitrogen. Go ahead and fill your tires with pure oxygen and see what happens. They just kept saying that throughout the whole report. Even when the mechanic they interviewed properly said air the reporter kept using oxygen as if they were interchangable. They are going to confuse the hell out of a ton of people with garbage reporting like that. They don't even go into the reasons why nitrogen is beneficial. All they say is NASCAR stock cars have been using them and that it stays in the tire longer because the molecule is heavier. Those kinds of statements don't mean shit. "The molecule is heavier", I can't believe they would say something as vague as that. It is a wonder some assclowns don't want to believe certain scientific things because of lack of "evidence". When people get their information presented to them like that crappy ass report there is no evidence presented. How is the hell can you connect a molecule being heavy with it being better for your tire because it doesn't leak out as fast. Holy shit! How much more ignorant can you get in your reporting. They also had the nerve to make tenuous connections to increased safety with nitrogen in your tires. Really the increased safety is from having your tires properly filled. Which they say, but the way the presented it was as if fillinf your tires with nitrogen will give you some intrinsic safety benefit. I also love how they used the poor mechanic as some kind of expert for their slipshod reporting. They edited the shit out of him. This guy was actually trying to present a clear truthful picture of what nitrogen in the tires actually does for you but they cut up his words and probably cut of more of his important statements so much that he looks like he is suppporting the crap the reporter is trying to push off as good reporting. I don't even want to think about all the information they just left out. The report was pathetic and I hate to imagine that this is the standard. Fuck man, you don't have to do much research or need advanced physics degrees to get that report right. It is like these fuckers don't even try. Fuck man, fuck.



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