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Monday October 10, 2005 - 2:27PM EDT

I've been taking a lot of different cold medecines. Maybe not a lot but more than usual. Most recently I've been taking Nyquil, which I've never taken before. That shit fucked me up some kind of good. Strangest feeling in a while. My body felt like I was drunk. I felt numb all over and my head swam. But none of the nausea or heavy kind of depressive body mood associated with being drunk. I have really bad sore throat right now so I've been taking these throat lozenges with Benzocaine and Menthol. I've eaten two over the past 24 hours or so but right now as I eat it it gives me this strange feeling, like being drunk again, though not as intense as the Nyquil. Also it numbs my whole mouth like novacaine. Exact same kind of numbness that you feel when you get novacaine at the dentist.



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