Friday September 23, 2005 - 11:21PM EDT
I always viewed the different races of alien in Star Trek to be representations of human traits. Each race represented and extremity of some human characteristic. Clingons for example are the war mongers. But war mongers with a purpose. There is a uniform purity to their love of battle that humans don't have. Somehow their purity makes it successful or something like that. Where am I going with this? Oh yeah, when I read about these people who "support" the war it is very confusing. First of all, as I've said before you never seem to hear about them until the anti-war people come out. And the war "supporters" are portrayed as those who simply are against anti-war people. It confusing, I don't know how to intepret it. It is disturbing though to hear war "supporters" champion the glory and honor of dying in this war. I'm just like, dude what are you thinking?