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Thursday September 9, 2004 - 10:28AM EDT

Eagles are awesome, but the title has nothing to do with them. I see these indexes all over the place. It is alway at 97% or higher. I just want to rip it down and put a big fat ZERO there. Never have I ever seen a place with such an expensive veneer covering rotting wood. This is disgusting. The thing that is most disquieting is the fact that there are some people around that want to do something and are dedicated. But their dedication is trampled by the minority of assclowns that surround them. It is less of a people problem and more of a corporate culture thing. People have been conditioned to react and do certain things, that fly in the face of all practical sense. This is fucking horrendous. Companies piss away millions and billions for no reason. There has to be some company out there that does something right. I don't see how a company president could stand for such bullshit. Wait, it is because they pocket millions and look the other way.



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