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Snapshot Erase All

Tuesday September 20, 2005 - 12:07PM EDT
The proposed photo identification requirement drew prompt criticism from some Democrats in Congress who said the rule could be abused to discriminate against members of minority groups, the poor and the elderly.

The American Civil Liberties Union also expressed concern that a recommendation for a central data base of voter information could pose a threat to Americans' privacy rights. - full article

I don't know whether to be mad or glad at this article. I keep wanting to ignore this shit but I can't let garbage like this be said without taking it to the curb. The snippet from above makes me angry. Fucking clueless clowns. Privacy concerns? Are they being serious? Since when does requiring photo ID discriminate. Last time I checked you needed photo ID for just about everything else. What the hell are these people thinking with comments like those. They don't make any sense. Explain the abusive nature of requiring photo ID. Then the ACLU has to step in with their 1.5 cents. Funny part is that having a national database would actually eliminate the requirement for carrying photo ID. Because they simply look up your name with your picture in the national database. Do either of these clowns want greater involvement in democracy. Apparently not. Since they seem content with one of the worst voting systems in the world. So many contries have us beat in voting system it is not even funny. India does it better. Freaking India. Do you know what their poverty rates are? Discrimination is requiring an address for voting. Discrimination is the weird ass registration laws that vary state to state. Discrimination is forcing you to vote in only one single place in the country where telecommunication networks cover the land. Fuck even South Africa allowed citizens living in the U.S. to vote in the United States when their first election where held. So you telling me we still need to send out those voter list binders to the thousands of polling places around the country in which my name is contained in a single one. Your telling me that in a world where I can log on to a webcam and view any place in the world I have to stay in my neighborhood to cast a vote. This commission must be proud of themselves with their 87 recommendations. I'd save money and give the task to a high school class. We could take them to taco bell for lunch. They's probably do a more thorough job as they would make decisions based on logic and their expertise with technology. This commissions wait until now to make some of these recommendation. People have been screaming this crap for years now. And they are just recommendations. That is another problem. It is not like they are saying you need to implement this immediately to insure a fair vote. They just throw it out there for everyone in congress to ignore or criticize.

I'm tired. I just want to go home. This job is so boring.

Record companies already make more profit by selling a song through iTunes than on a CD, with all the associated manufacturing and marketing costs, Jobs said. - full article

I remeber commenting on this a while back. So now Jobs has said what I thought in the first place. It seemed pretty obvious that the record companies made more money through a download. I thought 99 was in fact more expensive. I've never payed to download a song because I think it is a rip off. Mainly because of their strict DRM policies. You know what I just realized. When are those Billboard record sales stats going to start to take into account download statistics. Maybe they do already.



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