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Nothing times 10

Sunday September 5, 2004 - 1:43AM EDT

When I see people, strangers or friends I always wonder what they are thinking at the exact moment I see them. Whether it be face to face or from afar I want to know the thoughts running through their mind at that specific point in time. People really can't be as stupid as I think they are, can they? Whatever, I am probably the stupid one. W.E.B DuBois famously spoke of a talented 10th who would lead the rest. That should updated to the talented .00000000000000001%. The band of idiots prominent in today's world is disgusting. I won't harken back to old times and say that people were smarter back then. If anything they were even more ignorant and I would probably find them as disgusting as I do today's morons. Can I call people morons without being considered concieted? I should be able to, but seems like that as soon as you refer to someone as stupid somone thinks it is because you think yourself high and mighty. I am just bored. I thought I would get a real chance to learn from some extraordinaryly knowledgable people at work. Specifically databases and programming. While there are definately some intelligent people when it comes to programming, none possess that type of awesome ability and knowledge that I seek. I'll learn some stuff but I'll probably wind up teaching them more if they are willing to learn. Unfortunately doesn't seem like some people want to do that. For the most part they bore me. They are generally good people,there are some smart ones and I don't mean to offend anybody, but fuck, I wouldn't hire half the people they did for the jobs they are doing. Maybe that is the problem, it is not that everyone is unqualified it is just that they look that way when they are put in the wrong place. God knows what the hell I would do in a chem lab or pig farm, I'd look pretty stupid too. I don't know if I am bored by the job or just frustrated by lack of innovation on their part.

I don't see myself long term at any job where I work for someone. I just can't take following someone elses rules, especially when they make no sense. There may be a place out there for me but haven't found it yet. I'll continue to whore myself and my ability out to people until I can make it on my own. There has got to be something else to talk about besides work. Not really, don't have much else besides work right now. If it is not work it is working on websites. That is my whole life websites. I get so mad at these clowns at work, I don't have the tools I need to do what they want. It is like trying to sculpt marble with a rusty nail. I just want to finish this project as fast as I can, blow them away with how good a system can be when designed properly then bolt. I would not stay there after the project is over without a substantial raise. I am talking at least double or triple what I get now. First of all I will have completed a major software project for a large company and that has got to get me someplace better and second I will have increased my knowledge greatly from working on the project. These fucking turkeys would rather pay some sloppy company 10 times what they are giving me to design a sub-par system. I should stop being so negative, but fuck I can't ignore the trash that goes on there. I can't say they are doing a good job, because they aren't. I just want to build a spaceship become a space bounty hunter and die in peace.



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