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Homer Simpson

Monday August 16, 2004 - 2:50AM EDT

I saw Harold and Kumar tonight. It was funny. Still need to see a few more movies before I am caught up. Can't wait to get back to work. What I enjoy most is the office politics that surround me everyday. Since I don't care and have nothing to lose I am an instigator. The worst they can do is fire me, HA! I am just out to do my job and that is it. If I help and hurt some people along the way then that is how it goes. It is entertaining to see people try to get ahead by playing the political game. I hate that shit and hope I never resort to it. If I can't get ahead through just good work then I don't want to get ahead anyway else. I am definately cocky when it comes to the project I am working on. I pretty much think that anything is possible and obstacles are meant to be overcome. The attitude of some people around there can be submissive. Doing a good job seems to be subservient to the company's rules and regulations. It retarded as far as I am concerned. Screw their rules I am just there to get the job done. I am the consultant, a mercenary. People will do anything to keep their job even if it means doing a bad job or not finishing things. It's sickening to see that kind of stuff. I definately stirred things up last week with a particular report on lack of efficiency. I have to come up with a new way to raise hell this week. I am really starting to question the motives of certain people in the department. Doesn't seem like they are there to perform but there just to be there. But that seems to be how it is in most companies. Very few people are there because they like it and want to do an exceptional job. I am trying to learn as much a possible from the most technical people in the department. Although I question their ability and knowledge I still can learn things from them. I am never above learning from people even if I do question their ability.

I was just thinking today about something. This is kinda far fetched but it motivates me. What if they hired me because they thought I was an idiot kid who didn't know anything. I don't think they did but it motivates me to think that someone(a particular someone) recommeded my hiring because they thought they could control or manipulate me because I didn't really know much. Well they are in for a rude awakening. It is almost assured that is not the case but if it is, ha! One thing I do realize and this is very true is that overall the deparment has a lack of deep technical skill and it has really hurt them in certain areas. No worries though that is what I am here for. I'll battle whoever steps up and want to challenge me.



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