Monday August 2, 2004 - 10:25PM EDT
Slow is the only way to describe MBNA right now. I love the actual work, when I am able to do it. But I am waiting for two things right now. First is the software to do what I need to do, second is time to sit down with another person to diagram things. I can't really say much about internal workings because there is probably some confidentiality thing and I just want to cover my bases. I could have this project done in a month. I probably shouldn't say this because it is extremely arrogant but I am going to say it anyway. I have yet to find a person who can match my technical ability and present me with a true challenge. I have had challenging projects but I want to face someone who can match the breadth and depth of my skils and knowledge. I don't think I have found that challenge yet. For sure I have run into people who posses skills and knowledge much greater than mine in specific areas but never matching the breadth at the same time. I want to meet somebody who could really just kick my ass when it comes to any aspect of technology. Unless they hire somebody new soon I figure myself to be the most technically savy of anyone in the department by a wide margin. I read and hear about these brillant computer engineers and whatnot, but haven't met any one truly impressive yet. Maybe a few teachers at Villanova but even their knowledge could be somewhat narrow in scope sometimes. I am particularly frustrated by those who for whatever reason or another are biased or stick only to particular technology groupings. Windows vs Mac OS, Oracle vs MSSQL vs MySQL. You are suppose to be a problem solver and true problem solvers use every tool they can get their hands on. Sure there are some who simply don't have time or the desire to diversify but those who stick to one system and bash other systems while never taking the time to learn something about them really stick in my craw.