Voting and other maladies
Thursday June 24, 2004 - 8:49PM EDT
So bored right now. Being bored though doesn't mean I have nothing to do,
there is loads to do lack of motivation would be the better description.
Lack of motivation due to lack of results could even describe it. Nothing
interesting is going on. I think two lesbians have moved into the apartment
below me. That isn't really exciting just a note, somehow society tells
me that I should make a bigger deal out of it but I don't get it, their
lesbians and... Just got an IM that one of my friends is suppose to be on
Graham Norton Effect. I am not sure in what capacity but I'll probably catch
it later tonight.
Went to Ralph Nader's website for
his campaign. Wow this guy has good stuff, he actually takes positions on
issues that are important to the average American. I particularly like the
tidbit on how 100 million people who can vote don't vote, not suprising
but it highlights an important issue. Media dominates everything and only
a few people dominate the media. I wonder how Nader would fair with the
monetary backing that the Democrats and Republicans have. If Nader was all
over TV as those two parties are would things be different? Perot showed
us that with money you can make an awful lot of noise. That guy got 20%.
Nader is getting about 3% right now, if he had the money and the media presence
that the other parties have it makes me wonder. Nader can barely even get
on the ballot for president which is insane. How in the hell are you going
to keep a person like him of the ballot. The requirement for petition signatures
to get on a ballot in some states is outrageous. With Dems and Reps requiring
only something like 2,000 signature and independents requiring 20,000. We
have about 4 months to the election day and if I could somehow do something
to launch Nader into the whitehouse I would, but I don't know, there seems
to be nothing. Maybe that is the wrong type of thinking, but frankly I don't
know what else to think. Why is voting such a difficult thing to do. I never
understood the premise that one could not go to any voting station whereever
they are an vote for the president. That doesn't make sennse to me, you
have to physically be in a specific place to vote. Shit in this day and
age when the hell does anyone ever have to be in a specific place to do
anything. Then there is those absentee ballots crap. Tell me we are not
still using the mail system to vote long distances. We use email for everything
else. We can't somehow create an email voting system that is more efficient
and secure than the paper garbage we use today.
Report just came out today on internet connectedness of countries. The United
States is not in the top 10. How can the richest country in the world not
lead in Internet access! We freaking invented the Internet!
How do you bring Internet access to the masses without government subsidies?
Can Wi-Fi be effetice enough to provide whole neighboorhoods with cheap
internet access. Maybe this is something I need to investigate. Corporations
are throwing away tons of old computers that could feasibly be converted
to "Internet Terminals". Maybe this is something I should look into, make
it my personal mission. To provide the city of Philadelphia and the surrounding
metropolitan areas with high-speed internet access. Get old computers from
businesses, convert them into cheap "Internet Terminals" with Linux or FreeBSD
opertating systems. Somehow raise money to install a city wide high-speed
wireless network. Spokane is the first to do it, albeit on a limited scale.
It can be done. No one is just seriously looking at it. It should be done,
everyone should have internet access. Make it a part of their everyday life.
I must formulate a plan. Say I have a goal to have everyone in Philadelphia
and the surround metropolitan areas (and maybe suburbs) connected to the
Internet in 5 Years. Maybe I could take a page from Japan's telecom industry,
specifically their i-mode cell phone service and their microbilling strategy.
Maybe to support to running of the network you use the network for commerce
and microbill access. Encourage use of the wireless network for something
other than Internet browsing. That would be key, really use the Internet
for something useful beyond the typical globa e-commerce and browsing. Location
specific service really are going to be the next wave of Internet applications,
to use the Internet for your immediate area. As a facillitor of information
in your own neighborhood. Such a thing is overshadowed by the large national
and international websites. Although the internet makes it much easier for
the little guys to compete the larger sites have successfully pushed out
the little people in many places on the Internet. Location specific services
are one of the few things that can trump the big guys. Having a personal
connection to the neighborhood that large entities cannot get will be key.
It may signify the rise of the mom and pop operation once again, maybe that
is pusing it. But smaller local operations that can take advantage of the
Internet would have a advantage over large entities. I think just being
geographically closer is a big advantage. Hmmmm maybe that is why there
is such a discrepency in Internet use in the United States. Maybe the higher-ups
know that the Internet could be the great equalizer and allowing everyone
to take advantage of it would not be a good thing for them. Ehh I think
I am going to far with that line of thinking perhaps. Well I am going to
think about this, and see if I can do it.