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Warm raining night

Saturday June 4, 2005 - 2:08AM EDT

I just took a piece of floss I had just finished using out of the trash can in my room and used it again in my mouth because I thought I missed a piece of food between my teeth. My website design is pathetic compared to some stuff I've seen out there. Fuck I can't even do that shit well. Got some ideas for AJAXing up this site. I probably won't get to them for months though as I have loads of other things to do first with other websites. New laptop is great. I just hope it is as durable as my Toshibas were. Then again they weren't that durable. I'm just happy to have a fast computer to work on and not have to worry about slowdown every 10 seconds. Really want to change the software to GPL soon. Maybe more people will use it then. Fuck, I need to change this garbage. Fuck this blog posting bullshit all the time. This shit is getting me nowhere.

I hope Windows Longhorn manages memory better than XP. No version of Windows has ever done a good job of memory managment. No matter how fast or how much ram your computer has you will experience slowdown in the oddest places on Windows. They better fix that shit with Longhorn. I think continual legacy support in Windows hurts them. They could just do away with most of the legacy support and it wouldn't hurt them. In fact I would say it would help them and everyone else. I am sort of tired but I can't fall asleep. I feel like I have too many things to do, but I am not even doing them. I don't want to sleep but I want to.



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