Friday June 3, 2005 - 10:07AM EDT
So msn puts up certain memebers blog links on the front page of their site. I clicked on a few because I was curious. What a freaking mistake. I am never read such boring drivel. The blogs are the shallow products of a ultra-trendy lifestyle. They read like pathetic advertisements for what lifestyle is in right now for whatever age group the blogger is. They talk about tiger balm, running with the sunday group and body image problems just to name a few of the mundane and ultra-bland topics of the self-reighteous polemically aligned modern uber hipster. Here are some links.
Trendy Slut #1
Predictable Iconoclast #2
Empty Minded Fraidy Cat #3
Paranoid Follower #4
The problem with these blogs is that they lack realism. The rawness of emmotion. They all run through a filter. I don't know what these people are really thinking. I just know what they are supposed to be thinking. As for me right, now I am thinking that there is no one in this office that I want to do right now and I lament that fact. I'm hungry right now too.