Damn back button
Tuesday May 31, 2005 - 2:26AM EDT
I just had a kick ass blog post and I hit the back button and erased it. FUCK!!! I need to implement the autosaving function. FUCK. Ok I will do a quick recap. Damn it was funny as hell too. Talked about how I hate human tradgedy stories and how they hilight the hipocrosy of mankind. In other words I usually don't give a fuck who died when for whatever righteous or heinous reason unless I know them personally and even then it is going to be a crap shoot for whether I give a damn. I went over how originally buddhism was agnostic and had no mention of dieties and esoteric practices where at a minimum. In other words it wasn't a religion in our sense of believe in ultamite creators or gods that we have today. It was merely a way of looking at life and detaching oneself from what is ultamitely meaningless existence on this world to gain true freedom. But all that wacky ass god stuff was added later by people who didn't have shit else to do besides picking their asses. Then I covered a few sentences on how Christianity has probably been twisted in much the same was as Buddhism. Oh yeah I mentioned how Mohhamed, the founder of Islam spread it mainly through force and violence. So from there I am here. Which brings me to how in the hell did 3 major religions all come from the same area of the world. That shit is fucked up. Even hinduism and buddism are close to that same area but not really. Anyway, Judaism, Christianity and Islam all come from the same region of the world. How in the fuck does the rest of the world let three punk as religions dominate. What kind of gansta shit is that. How come the Native American relgions couldn't dominate. Oh wait they were all murdered by European explorers. Murdered is harsh, because really disease did a good amount of them in anyway. Do I dare conjecture that they were advancements in human thought. Sure they were, to an extent, which we should have passed by now, but apparently we haven't. Here is my timeline of human thought progression. There are only three stages so bare with me.
Stage 1: What the fuck was that! - this stage starts from the emergence of the homo-sapien up until cro-magnon man. Basically the world around us is a mystery and we are trying to come up with ways to explain it.
Stage 2: Yo man it was that invisible dude in the sky! - This stage is from Cro-Magnon man all the way through the late 1800's. This stage describes the grotequeries of religion throughout the ages to reason with everything we didn't have a clue about before.
Stage 3: Shit Happens. - We are currently in the transitional period to this stage. The majority of mans still thinks it is the invisible dude in the sky although deep down they know it not to be truth, but merely a psychological crutch. The full transition will hopefully take place in the next 100 years with a few scragglers who will never move into this stage. This stage basically says nothing and presupposed nothing. We've just figured out that it ain't the invisible dude in the sky.
Damn that isn't even that funny, mainly because it is true. Damn humans and their invisible creatures. I really can't fathom how someone subscribes to such nonsense in one area yet will dismiss nonsense in another area as nonsense. If that makes sense to you, welcome to the dark side. Almost finished transfering all my data and programs to the new computer. It will be tight. Especially once I get the RAM upgrade. Holy shit what the fuck am I talking about RAM for. HOLY SHIT, what time is it. Yet I am still typing. FUCK!!!! No I didn't yell out loud.
This is pathetic, freaking pathetic. Nothing I can do either. This is bullshit. I'm sick of this garbage. What the fuck do I do. Haven't I've been patient enough. I may be an insesitive asshole most times but got dammit I haven't killed anyone yet, I almost always tell the truth, I haven't even been a jerk to a woman yet. I'm not speaking as if I am looking to change those things, I wouldn't know how anyway. Yeah I would who am I kidding. I feel like walking up to the next person I see and punching them in the face. Who am I kidding I'd never do that. I don't even get mad when people cut me off on the road. I just add them to my if I ever get the chance to make a decision on whether you live or die I'd choose the latter list. Crap it is time for sleep.