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Tuesday May 31, 2005 - 12:48AM EDT

I've been in the house all day since I woke up at 9:30 am learning flash and trying to finish up a website. This is how it always happens though when I learn something new. There is an intial breaking in period at which I work for hours and hours getting very little done just trying to understand the interface. After one of two sessions I usually have a basic understanding of how the new things work. It will take about a week for me to get comfortable and about a month before I become proficient. Then after a few months of regular practice I am usually pretty good, expert level one could say. The problem is that it grates my mind, especially the first step. I lose touch with reality and I don't know what is real or not for a while. Also it gets hard for me to stop working in that initial period. I could work for 24 hrs straight sometimes and even longer if I don't have anything else to do.



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