Suprised? Not really
Wednesday May 25, 2005 - 4:18PM EDT
So what do I find out today but someone else is leaving the company. IN my short 4 weeks here two people have left the company. Do I just leave a trail of desctruction behind every company I work for. I guess it is more the nature of the industry I work in than anything else. But pretty much every job I have had I have witnessed people getting fired or resigning during my stay or shortly after I left. I don't hate this place really, maybe I get a little overzealous in my blog about things I don't like but it is a huge improvement over the last job I had and much better than most others. It being so close to my house is the best part. My main gripe is just not having things to do, which they are aware of and seem to be trying their best to have constructive things for me to do. Like today I actually had a decent amount of work to do for a change. Maybe when I made that joke about everybody hating this place it wasn't so off base.