Thursday July 15, 2004 - 3:31AM EDT
Sometimes I think all I have left is my work. I don't take it seriously enough to make something of it yet. I have a whole lot of websites I am working on right now. Which one will be a success? Probably none of them. The phone website I have been working on is coming along well and will be launched in a few weeks. Also the software for two other websites is nearing completion. Other than websites there is nothing. I just wander around doing nothing, watching idiot after idiot walk bye me further degrading my opinion of humans. I don't even know that that means. Ah well. I think I have some type of organ or rib problem. Extreme discomfort has plagued me for a few weeks on the right side of my lower torso. Hopefully I'll die soon, ha. I start work soon, which is good. I will actually be doing something I want to do. Still remains to be seen if I will actually like it. At least the money is ok. My ribs really hurt right now.