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Hut Me

Thursday May 19, 2005 - 4:06PM EDT

I think I emptied my head yesterday because I have nothing to write about today. My Powerbook shipped and should be here soon. Although it says it takes 12 days for the FedEx to arrive. Weird. Odly enough they haven't charged my credit card yet. Actually did some work today at work. Not a lot, but whatever there was to do I did it. Last night I saw some clown-ass in a polo with the collar turned up working out at the gym. I think noticing it actually robbed my perception of 10 seconds from the space time continuum. It was like those 10 seconds ceased to ever exist and all quantum states from that period were erased. Ultamite season starts up soon. Can't wait. This has been a bad week for getting website work done. Everyday this week after work I've had to do something and didn't come back home until late. I'm hungry. I found a new much faster way to get home from work. Makes the trip 10 minutes as it should be. That was the most exciting work realated thing to happen this week. I'm going to make the software under the GPL. In the coming weeks I'll modify the website to reflect that.

I am really hungry. Lunch was small as I had to go to the bank then home and only ate a banana and some sushi rice with tuna cake. Maybe I should get a swiss ball to sit on at work. I hear they are all the rage at progressive companies where teams of dumb asses bounch up and down in front of their computers. Nah, I'll probably stick with the "vertebrae mauler" that is my current chair. I'm all Nintendoed out until the next news directly from them. I'm not a violent person, but I want to inflict harm upon 90% I hear about. I don't like mess so Star Trek phaser vaporization would be best in my opinion. Just the though of that person not existing anymore is all I need. Haven't seen Star Wars yet, will soon though. I'll be on Margarita Island sometime in August probably. Never been to a tropical island though. I hope it is nice there. I want to retire to a little island in the South Pacific with white sands blue water and tropical fruit trees all over. I want to eat cantelope and build a spaceship while living in a little hut on the beach. Then to get away from the sound of crashing waves I have another little hut in the rainforest valley on that same island. And another little hut high in the moutains on that same island to see the whole island. Actually just one hut on the mountain would do. I can walk to the beach and down into the valley.



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