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Trick Peeing

Wednesday May 18, 2005 - 1:38PM EDT

I was in the car listening to a CD and I nodded off into one of those dreaming awake states. They are fun because they are not full blown dreams with visuals but just intensely focused effortless thinking. That you remeber for a few seconds after you wake up.

DISCLAIMER:The following is for males or adventureous females only. Anyone else just wouldn't understand.

I was in the bathroom today taking a wiz at the urinal and I found myself playing around with aiming my pee. Doing circles, figure eights, bell curve, hitting the urinal cake, the urinal wall, etc. It is amusing. What I like most it hitting the urinal cake and watching it erode in a pink or blue stream of color. I see how much I can erode in one pee. And one day I will be able to reach to elusive eroision of the whole cake. It is elusive because you have to catch the cake when it is at end of days and give it the knockout blow.

I said something earlier about war veterns. I was thinking about that at lunch and figured that I should ease up a little. War fucks with your head and you can't expect clear logic from veterens. So they can be as crusty as they want, I just won't take them too seriously



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