Wave of the Future
Wednesday July 7, 2004 - 1:24AM EDT
I looked up WML pages today. It is definately possible to create a page accessible by mobile cell phone browser that will allow me to update posts from my cell phone. In fact it looks pretty easy to do. I have all these baby flies around. That is what happens when you leave fruit to rot in the summer on the counter.
Been thinking about Capitalism and its limits. Does the Capitalist system work only when maarginalizing the majority of the population to prop up the highest levels? I don't know, it sure seems that way though but I am not ready to take that stance yet. What powers Capitalism is consumerism. Which when you think about it is very new to human societies. What I mean is that today's rampant consumerism dwarfs the small town economies of the past. Simply due to the massive population we now have on Earth. Ultamitely I think that is the major problem with today's soceity. Sure there is a whole list of things, but at the top is consumerism. We have managed to take on many other issues but consumerism is not seen as a problem, in fact it is championed. All things are built around humans consuming resources. Problem is that when this idea developed I think people thought the resources of the earth were essentially unlimited. Over hundreds of years we have come to realize that resources are finite but still continue with unabated consumerism. There is some small flecks of hope with recyling and renewable energy. But the problem is at the core of our society and thinking. All humans for the most part use something and throw it away. They throw it away as if it disappears into nothingness. You cannot blame an individual completely because often times there is no reasonable choice. Current human society is predicated on the rampant consumption of resources. If that statement seems incomplete then one is on the right track. That is exactly what is wrong, consumerism is incomplete. It is one way. There is very little in the way of recipricol action. I ask myself this question, it is a question that no one asks but that everyone knows, a question that is ever-present but unrecognized. Can the resources of planet earth support human life at the highest levels of living if everyone on earth lived at those levels? That may seem unrecognizable and weird but it is the question that everyone has. More simply the question is; Is there enough?We all know it, that is why we hoard things, it is why we have come up with the concept of property. In honesty we may never know if there is enough even if we spread across the universe we may still hoard. But this Earth is rare as far as we know and so many things get put ahead of that. As long as humans live with the idea that there is not enough then the problems of today will always be with us. A fundamental change in human thinking must occur. The question needs to change to. How do we make it enough? Similar questions but vastly different consequences. Humans need to assume that we have the ability to use our intelligence to overcome the frailties of our body and the planet. Yes there are those out there who pervert this idea into one of arrogance and domination. But progression under arrogance and domination has limits. I don't know if the earth can support all humans at the highest levels of living. Technology is always the great equalizer, the trump card. If technology can keep up and sustain us then humans may be able to continue living as they do now. But as we live now, technology may not advance fast enough to overcome the problems we will face. However the only way to advance technology faster is to live a different way, outside of miraculous advances by a few extraordinary humans, we must change the fundamental way in which our soceity is structured to survive. I say all this but also realize that we may survive at some level while continuing our current ways. But I strive for a higher level, the status-quo is status-garbage. Someone needs to lead humans in a new direction. Sometimes I don't understand the human preoccupation with those human ideas manifested of the human mind. Religion comes to mind. Things that as a whole in common use fly in the face of all practicality. The deriliction and neglect of practical simple ideas in order to uphold large complex principles that are to the detriment of everybody confuses me in most cases. There are strong psycological factors at work. A history and repeated pattern that is hard to break. So much to think about. I am not even clear on most of it and still am thinking all this stuff over. When I have a plan I will go out in a direction and see what happens.