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Friday April 8, 2005 - 10:14PM EDT

Damn I am pathetic. I want to at least make an entry into this web short film competition but I got no ideas or actors or ideas or actresses or scripts or ideas or any of the aspects required of creating a short film. Do I want to make movies or do I want to create visual effects? What kind of question is that? I wish it was warm. If there is one thing that seems more impossible than me getting a job it is making movies or doing visual effects. I am not even talking about big movies or visual effects or even small movies. I couldn't get a job creating powerpoint presentations for sweatshop promo material. That is how much I suck. Fuck. I am going to watch a movie tonight. Sin City, heard it was ultra-violent. Been working on various website stuff on and off all day. Got some stuff done. If I am to submit something of quality to this competition I have to come up with an idea today, the deadline is Wednesday.



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