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Walking Again

Wednesday May 26, 2004 - 12:00AM EDT

My second day of walking and of course I miss the golden kodak moment. As usual my daily travels took me down Lancaster avenue, to take in the soot, noise and road rage. While walking through a particularly slow section of traffic an irrate Acura driver got out of his car and began to yell at the person behind him. From my vantage all I could tell this person did was honk at him once. Of course being in traffic he couldn't maove and this women's honk was pointless. The only purpose it served was to anger this older bald black dude. "Get out of my life!" replied the black man. At that point if I had my camera a picture would have been taken and all hell would have broken lose. Luckily I am young and spry, while this asshole is old and stuck in traffic. OK so maybe there is some history to the incident that I didn't see, but the man getting out his car to yell did snarl traffic even more, considering only one lane was getting by in a construction zone all I could think of was "look at this nut". No fear though, tonight I will walk to Rite-Aid and pick up a fun-saver, I won't miss showing the world the idiocy of my town again.



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