Thursday March 3, 2005 - 1:44AM EDT
I've been making multiple posts per day for a few days now. Oh yeah when I was in San Fran I saw a hummingbird for the first time ever. Walked right by it as it was feeding on some flowers on a bush. I've been very slowly getting better at managing my time and getting things done. Still room for a lot of improvement, but maybe one day I will be disciplined. I need at least a part-time job. But I wasn something that pays well. I'll probably never find the $40/hr part-timer that I had a few years back. That was possibly the greatest deal ever. To bad I was fucking depressed all the time, I really should have made more of that situation. I did get random trips to Japan out of it so it is not a complete loss. Still though I could have done much more with the money I made from there, ah well, hindsight is 20/20.
I should start actually trying to promote my web design services. I really don't and I don't know how I get the work that I do now. Maybe that would help the whole being broke situation. I guess I am still trying to build a decent portfolio. I have only done a few projects, but fuck, I am damn good. How many people can design the database, layout the CSS/HTML and do front-end scripting all with expert skill (ok, my graphic design sense is not spectacular but it is serviceable). These recruiters and hiring managers don't know what to look for, that is why businesses today screw up technological decisions so much, because they hire morons. Fuck I am just bitter. Those job boards are worthless, all of them. No one gets a job that way, such a small percentage do.