Saturday February 26, 2005 - 12:40PM EDT
I've been trying to feel out this software thing and I've been going about it rather haphazardly, I hope it doesn't bite me in the ass, ah well, devil may care is the way I do it. Over the last few days I've come up with some good ideas which will soon be reflected in the website. I don't know if I can beat larger companies with their mounds of cash, legions of programmers, marketing muscle and teams of attorneys but all it takes is one person to come up with an idea and to innovate. At least I can be on a level playing field when it comes to that. Can the little guy make it, especially when the little guy is clueless? I've revamped the software's offering structure to maximize user-friendliness and profit potential. I don't like being driven by profit I just want people to use the software and it be a cool help. But there is no way I can maintain a website for the software and continue everyday living without trying to make money somehow. I'm have huge debt.