Saturday February 5, 2005 - 12:54PM EDT
I am screwed. Fuck. A major internet company just launced a software that is similar to what I am about to launch. So on Monday I will launch everything, I was just waiting on the bank account but I need to get some exposure so Paypal here I come. This will just be temporary until I get the bank account. Maybe I need to offer a free version. I have all the software done, today I'll finish up some computers I was working on and work like a madman to get the website up and the script listed on the websites. My software is slightly different, but fuck I am still screwed. Ok no problem, I can beat them. I am one man and they are an army of software engineers and internet marketers. Ok I'll get the website up and running and the software listed on my shortlist of script sites by tomorrow. Monday I begin trying to contact all of my competetion's competitors and see if I can get some face time. Fly out to San Fran on Tuesday and try to sell the software to them. Fuck how unrealistic is this plan, fuck I am screwed. No I'll win, I'll come out ahead, yes I am determined, fuck it.