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Vodoo Economics

Sunday June 6, 2004 - 12:00AM EDT

Well, Ronald Regan has passed. I just hope there isn't some flattering restrospective in the media that honors his presidency. The Regan years (continuing with Bush I) just about ruined the country. I just hope they just leave him alone and not twist the story of his presidency into something that was good for the country. My god the Clinton years were good for the country. Even the elitest conservatives can't say they didn't do well under the Clinton administration. Maybe they should amend the constitution to say that sons of presidents can't become presidents until 20 years later. Regardless of what people there has to be psychological factors that make the sons do things with direct realationships to their fathers' term. No more polotik for now.
I just got the urge to study the mating habits of animals, all animals except humans. Since I am already familiar with them. I always hate when people compare humans to animals that are uneducated on such animals. Only because they tend to compare people to the animal(s) that satisfy whatever reasoning they put forth and use such comparisons as blanket coverage to all animals. The excuse that goes something like, that is how nature is, or something like that sickens me. Someting else that just came to mind is ideas of female dominated society. Often times such manifestations simply transplant, women into men's roles and change nothing about actual social structure. Seems to me that for an accurate depiction of female dominated society one would have to change the social structure somewhat. There is actualy a tribe of people that live in a female dominated society, not sure where, but I do remember that the structure of things were different, sometimes radically. Also is the example of the Bonobo chimpanzee, they are a female dominated society. But I need more study before I say anything more. Here is a little tidbit I enjoy, from a Scientific America article

In the bonobo group, it was the females that approached the honey first. After having engaged in some GG rubbing, they would feed together, taking turns with virtually no competition between them. The male might make as many charging displays as he wanted; the females were not intimidated and ignored the commotion.

Just a small piece and when considering other factors in Bonobo society one should not read into that tidbit to much or draw any large conclusions.



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