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Tuesday January 4, 2005 - 10:39PM EDT

I have enough cash on hand to make loan payments for a the next few months. My plan is this. Finish up the various software I am working on in the next two months. First month is Linkzu second month is AUW. In the first 6 months I'll make enough money on them to pay off my loans ($50,000). The next six months I will save enough money from the software to finance the independent film I want to make in Japan about convience stores ($100,000 +). By the begining to middle of 2006 I will have a finished feature-length film that I will begin trying to take on the movie on the indepedent film festival circuit. After that I will try to get a distribution deal. Then at that point my movie will be accepted and watched by millions all over the world or it will be so bad that it will be relegated to a corny internet download that no one downloads.



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