So Cold...
Tuesday December 28, 2004 - 1:14AM EDT
I hate this cold weather. I don't even want to leave the house anymore, it is fucking depressing. Didn't get much done today unfortunately, maybe tomorrow will be better. Did begin to plan out the software distribution scripts. Will work on them more Tuesday. There is something wrong with my mouse, it keeps sticking and causing double clicks. I'll have to pickup a new one soon, it is getting anoying. New Years will probably suck as usual. I don't remeber what I did last year, nothing interesting probably. Trying to find new music, but you always have to pay for it. Sure I have my massive collection of mp3s but I need some new stuff and I don't feel like buying a bunch of CDs (downloading from those online stores is the biggest rip-off that no one seems to recognize). Thinking about getting a Sirius subscription just so I can listen to commercial free music over the net, nevermind the car radio. That would make a great gift for somebody, a liftime subscription to Sirius radio. I signed up for the free 3-day trial just to have something to new listen to over the next three days. All they play on local radio is the same 25 fucking songs over and over again. I still get those strange euphoric spikes. I'll just be sitting around doing whatever (usually programming) and suddenly my mood will radically change for a moment and my head will feel weird. It just happened a few seconds ago.
I see this tsunami disaster on TV and I hear them say that it will require such a huge humanitarian effort. Particurlarly providing drinking water for people. I wonder how much bottled water the united states drinks in a day, probably enough to provided drinking water for all the victims of that disaster for a month. It will be a nice demonstration to see whether peopole really care or are just lamenting the crisis because that is what they are "supposed " to do. There is no reason that hundreds of planes and ships shouldn't be traveling to those affected parts of the world to bring supplies that are readily available. Am I being idealistic? I just don't get how humans treat each other so badly. What are they fighting over, they have to realize now that this earth in only one and no one will survive at the rate we are going. I also keep hearing that there is no warning system in that area of the world because tsunamis are extremely unlikely. That is a laugher, I want to see a reputable scientest come on television and say that. It is just reporters repeating nonsensical garbage. If you look at a map of that region of the world all you see are some of the poorest nations of the world and tourist playlands for the rich. What is "unlikely" is that those countries had any money to pay for a warning system or any other rich country giving a damn about those people. Funny how they have a system in the Pacific that has been active for 40 years yet somehow they decided it wasn't important to cover the rest of the world. Obviously this "experimental" technology is not ready. That is ludicrous.
I got nothing else to say.