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Web Engine

Wednesday June 9, 2004 - 12:00AM EDT

Really need to get this blogging engine working. It is 5am and this class is pissing me off. It monopolizes all my time. Look I am the most passive radical there can be. Seems like an oxymoron right. Well that would be accurate I am a passive radical. I detest the system, I want a new one by any means neccessary. Usually what that means for me is impractical intellectual premises that only super geniuses could even attempt. Individual acheivement has the ability to trump anything in my mind, it is only impractical because your idea of impractical is ludicrous. I would say I definately look down on all humans in general and view most of their thoughts with the exception of particle physics as foolish diversions. I guess I don't experience life in the same context as the majority. I keep looking at aligment over history with certain modes of thinking by people and its subsequent abandonement and wonder why they ever aligned themselves in the first place. Sure it is a bit more complex than that, but for sure there is a tendency to seek stability instead of accepting the relative inheirent instability of the universe. I never am successful in explaining personal philosophy or resons for things to others becuase of, first, lack of clarity/organization in my language when speaking and two, I don't draw from the shared high level foundation of logic that can be said to be common to most humans. When I say high level, I mean above biological needs, those things which have extended from biological needs. Like the desire for wealth as an extension of a survival instinct. Often time people ask why and I give them such a simplistic answer that they don't understand, like that of a child, maybe I never really abandoned such childlike intuition. Seems to me that in most cases anything beyond my simple answer is superflous and just for personal amusement. Ah well, time to finish more schoolwork.



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