Plodding Along
Friday December 3, 2004 - 3:47AM EDT
Got damn I work slow sometimes. Almost finished the technical documentation for a website(over 150 pages). Once I finish the documentation then I can start working on upgrades to the software in a more organized modular fashion. Finnally hammered everything out and got it to a solid modular design, from which I can upgrade in an organized fashion. I will be able to process each upgrade as a seperate project and it will make keeping track of things much easier. I really need to send out invoices for the work that I did, that is a few grand out there that I am not claiming. Money just doesn't drive me I just like doing the work and seeing something accomplished then doing more work. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to worry about money and keeping track of how much I am charging people but it is neccessary. Very late, I wish I lived in a city where I could go out and get some all night Indian Buffet, that would be freaking awesome.
Feeling good about the progress on the projects I am working on. So many projects to do, but I am getting better at organizing things and prioritizing things. Less of me sitting staring into space or pacing around trying to decide what to work on next. I just go at each project and eventually I will complete them all.
No interesting stories recently. I get contacted by recruiters regularly but nothing interesting or exciting has come through them yet. Just your basic trash. I figure I can hold out until January.