Prison Time
Wednesday September 26, 2007 - 1:55PM EDT
All the headlines about Michael Vick and the possible prison time got me thinking again. At the very worst he could face 40 years in prison. That just makes me think about the guy who molested a 12 year-old and was put on probation because he was too short to go to prison. Or the countless other rapists and sex offenders who get a couple years in prison then are free to live (although now they complain about being monitored and not being able to live certain places, they should feel priviliged just to not still be in jail). Why are those sex crime punishment laws so leinient in some cases. It doesn't make any sense that the possibility exists for a rapist to serve less time then someone who kills dogs. Some of this has to do with the odd discrepancies in how state laws are implement. There is still a who lot of inefficient nonsense regarding the incongruencies of state laws left over from a long passed time of a lose federation of states.