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I got a lot of problems with you people and you are going to hear about it

Tuesday July 31, 2007 - 11:24PM EDT
No, but seriously I do. That sentence really doesn't make sense.  I've been thinking about a few things lately, besides the idiocy of all humans. Yeah that includes YOU! Punk bitch. No, but seriously. I was thinking how it is odd how going to school growing up I was and pretty much everybody was taught that Christopher Columbus was the "first" to the new world and was a pioneer.  This is what I like to refer to now as "white man's history".  It really is.  Well it is  euro-centric if you want a more pc term. While Europe and their descendants  raise up  the big C as a pioneer within their culture, and he deserves it within European culture, they didn't bother to even consider the whole rest of the world. Shit they didn't even consider some people awfully close to them. Vikings had been to "The New World" a thousand years before. Then of course there are the Chinese who somehow created frighteningly accurate maps of the earth a thousand years before Europeans. Lets also not forget those strange African-like artifacts discovered on coastal areas in the the new world that predate European discovery by hundreds of years.  Oh yeah, and of course the Cherokee, Sioux, Seminoles, etc... had settled there thousands of years earlier.  I suppose the European discovery is the one that took hold and is most documented so it deserves it great mention and place.  But sometimes when I think about how we are taught these things, manifest destiny still lurks.

What's next. Oh yeah on the news tonight was some report on how to talk to your kids about sports role models considering all the recent "controversy".  All I could think was who in the fuck came up with such a fucking waste of news time. Someone with their head up their asses. That kind of crap passes as newsworthy.

I had some other things to say but I forgot. Let me think..



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