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Friday June 29, 2007 - 4:21PM EDT
I haven't been posting enough lately and frankly I've let things slip by that I shouldn't have.  I read an article today with this headline.  US urges vigilance after London incident.  First as an aside, I'm not ready to go up to the level of conspiracy theories about using such fearful incidents to gain control of a populace but I'll never put such ideas out of the realm of possibility. There are various comments in the article about making sure people keep an eye out for suspicious activity. Coming from the government that is such a sinister statement.  That kind of idea works for smaller communities, maybe one's own neighborhood where to rankle the status quo of daily happenings would be very out of place. But such a comment from a large government only works to provoke irrational fear (Boston you deserve 1 million kicks in the groin for the shit you pulled a few months ago).  Honestly what the fuck is suspicious activity.  It just depends on your level of paranoia.  People always talk about privacy and that Big Brother idea being bad things but what they don't talk about is how we ourselves turn into the very things we rally against.  The government asking to report suspicious activities sounds like 50's red hunting. It sounds like every other authoritarian government out there using their own people to spy on their own people.

Besides the whole absurdity of keeping an eye out for suspicious activities I was thinking about the headline. I thought are they serious? I thought about the 125 plus murders in Philadelphia this year so far and how some kids walk to school in fear.  Honestly, the last thing any american needs to be vigilante about is some terrorist plot. The list of what kills people in the United States is long and terrorism is probably still behind bathroom slip and falls. It is completely baffling and illogical how so much emphasis is put on terrorist acts in comparison to other more deadly things. It is just odd how the human mind works. Or doesn't work for that matter. Our natural fear response just doesn't have the capacity to resolve the complexity of real human society.  Yet for the most part all of our pathetic excuses for leaders follow their crappy fear response.

All this keeps making me think intelligence is not a result of education. Intelligence has to be more related to the ability to resolve thought processes. I really despise the notion that going to a great school suddenly means you posses some kind of increased mental ability. All that idea does is serve a mental class division and line the pockets of those who tout themselves as the best. Such a thing didn't happen on purpose but I think it was an organic organizational tendency. Crap I am tired, I'll finish this later.



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