Checks and balances
Friday January 19, 2007 - 9:32PM EDT
As I watch the disgusting situation in Venezuela deteriorate into something worse than Cuba I look at the recent hubub in the United States curiously. It funny to watch the last dying days of a presidency. In my short time this is the most pathetic exiting term of a president I have seen. Obviously I haven't seen many so it is not saying much. But this clown is losing the support of his own party yet still tries to push forward with many of the same ideas that got him into the less than favorable situation his administration stands in now. The lamentable part about this is that he seems like a decent person but is still right up there with the rest of the horrible leaders that populate our world. He rode a wave of moral discontent with Clinton and lacadaisical opposition from opposing parties to two terms in office. I always wonder if personally he never wanted any of this responsibility of leadership. That is was forced upon him because his father was president and his family was powerful. I just can't shake that feeling that if given a choice he would just be a rancher in texas still. So back to the current dust-up about troop deployments. While Chavez can bend a country to his will unopposed. Out president still has to fight it out and it is great. The White House traded some barb about the house majority speakers comments being "poisonous". I love it that the white house doesn't have all the power here. This isn't a Monarchy it is a Republic. Such a comment sounds like someone trying to incite seditious accusations and hush up opposition. But guess what? This isn't a Monarchy, ha I already said that. The White House can say whatever they want, that they will do this and that and plow ahead with their plan but they can't, not in this system of checks and balances.