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Sunday June 13, 2004 - 1:18AM EDT

To many thoughts to type. I could serve no thought justice by bastardizing it into incomplete sentences and unfinished paragraphs. Maybe I'll try. Been thinking about neural networks recently. Funny thing, before I even knew what neural networks were I would think about how the brain and intelligence is really just an amalgam of weighted probability paths interlinked together. That there is something as true randomness and that is what makes us go. Human mind is just a collection of inborn and created logical paths weighted by learned an inate factors. I need to study more about nueral networks but as I understand right now neural networks are logic paths defined by weighted inputs affecting raw inputs all interconnected. So I guess I wasn't that far off. But I suck at mathematics and everything like that is always explained in mathematical terms, I wonder if my non-mathmetical representations in my head are just plain wrong when it comes to this stuff. Since I rarely see it any other way except as some equation. Tired now, time for sleep.



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