Voting and buttfucking
Monday November 6, 2006 - 4:24AM EDT
I posted about how the clowns in power or those who have any power in relation to voting reform seem to be stumbling over their own assholes when trying to find a decent electronic voting method. They form all these fucking committees and groups to try and figure out what a high school class could do in an hour. A high school class in India or China mind you, American kids are out of their league when it comes to a tough problem like this. Little harsh, yeah. Anyway I read on slashdot about some clown coming up with this "new" voting system that is verifiable. I just about shit my pants 3 times over. I used to have a modicum of respect for slashdot and its crowd. Now I know that they encompass all the rest of the slack-jawed trogloditic morons. Little harsh, you bet. So about this so called voting method. This is nothing new, it is what any respectable computer nerd who actually possesses intelligence instead of singular obsession with computers that appears like intelligence to people who don't know anything about computers would come up with after about 5 minutes of pondering this "tough" problem of electronic voting. As I watch the parade of fools on TV talk about voting and look helpless to solve issues I wonder what planet I am on. Some tout fraud as the real problem and tell us that the solution is people carrying voter id cards. That solution is so fucking stupid that I can't even dignify it with a response. Mainly because their solution is wrong because it is done backwards. I am waiting for the people who believe in that to pull their heads out of their ass in an acrobatic two step. Then there is the lack of standardization in machines. Why in the fuck do we not have national standards for voting. I thought the 50's and 60's taught us that people left up to their own machinations when it comes to voting fuck shit up. You'd think something like that would be so easy that you wouldn't need standards. Think again. There are some other issues that I forget at this moment so I will move on.I'll mention it now. The title of this posting is pretty damn obscene. Not sure how many times I've had such an obscene post title. Maybe none, maybe a few times. Anyway the reference is to that pastor who recently caused a dust-up with the seeking of a massage and buying of the ice (smack, crank, speed, meth). Sure I could have used a more appropriate term but ah well, fuck it. I could give a shit about who this guy is to begin with, I was just like leave the dude alone if he wants to buy ice and have buttsex that is his choice. Although I wouldn't necessarily support the crank purchasing. I sort of held back forming any strong opinion on the situation although I had an idea. Then it came out that he admitted to "sexual immorality". By his own words mind you. That is what confirmed it for me. It is immaterial now whether any details of his encounter with this escort come out beyond what he has already admitted to. I see it in this light now. The guy is probably gay and not only has he had to hide it his whole life but he has gone a step further and demonized it too. The man must be in complete turmoil inside. The fact that the term "sexual immorality" is probably a code word for being gay is saddening. I just hope this hasn't fucked up his mind so much that he went and did something truly immoral and disgusting. This whole thing will probably fade away pretty quickly. I just wonder how this guy will live out the rest of his life.