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Sunday October 22, 2006 - 7:14PM EDT
Many are predicting a power change in congress to the Democratic party. While I don't agree with a lot of the republican ideology I can't say that I agree with a lot of the Democratic idelogy either. Instead of simply a power change there needs to be total reform in  congress. It needs to start with outlawing lobbying. I still can't fathom how anyone lets lobbying occur. It is such a blatant skirting of the spirit of democracy and our country's laws regarding fairness in democracy. Our voting process also needs to be updated because it is horribly ineffecient and vulnerable to such duplicity. So while I'll welcome the change unless the new guys begin to implement real reform it is hard to celebrate it. People are really getting sick an tired of government mistakes and ignorance of the people. It a shame that there are only two options. It is very disheartning even that political parties have gained such dominance that individuals within the party must bow to party philosophies instead of doing what is best for their constituents. I'd favor a more disjointed organizational heirachy when it comes to most of our government official positions. It has become to much of working for the party instead of for the people and I don't know how that will change.



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