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Saturday September 16, 2006 - 8:22AM EDT
Recently there has been a quite some concern over e. coli contaminated bagged spinach. Although some look upon it as being something worse than an actually is I think it does show something. We can see that food safety still needs work but we can also be kind of assured that the government took such quick widespread action to protect the people. Not only that but private companies heeded government suggestion. It is almost amazing in its only little way that within days of a recall most supermarkets removed all the product and investigators had narrowed it down to the farm it originated from. It almost seems like it was effecient. Obviously the dirty details of the story are not known to me but from what is known right now this whole thing couldn't have progressed any better. If they could somehow be this effecient in detecting and stopping terrorism those damn airport scares where everyone overreacts would be a figment of my imagination. I suppose something like food safety is probably of importance so tantamount that we, especially in the US, have come to expect ultra high standards without a second thought. I just couldn't help but think wow damn good job while the evening news was projecting this thing as some kind of terrible scare.



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