I am no scientest
Thursday August 31, 2006 - 12:43AM EDT
but this shit on ABC right now about the possibility of machines taking over is pissing me off. Holy fucking shit I am watching people who call themselves scientests tell me that more powerful computers mean more intelligent computers. What a fucking morons dream. Then ABC had the nerve to show IBM Deep Blue beating Kasparov as if it is some great milestone in artificial intelligence. Look people, chess is a game of this, probability and combinations. A computer is really good and playing with numbers, much better than any human. All you do to beat a human is simply calculate the probabilities of certain moves and take the one with the best chance. Couple that with reams of data of your human opponent's tendencies you can build another probability table to compare that against and you can beat virtually any fucking grandmaster there is more times than not. That is probability. Deep blue didn't learn a damn thing on its own. Its programers simply keep updating the probability table of Kasparovs tendencies. Computers don't forget or get psyched out so mind games aren't going to work.These fucking bastards also had the nerve to use Stephen Hawking to somewhat support their crazy statements about machines taking over. All hawking said was "in principle" machines could be more intelligent than humans in 100 years. The key words there are "in principle" and "intelligent". We really can't definitively define intelligence. We can give characteristics of it but the question of what is real intelligence is the problem. Some fucking AI scientests think it is the ability to crunch numbers. Wrong. Human intelligence is probably closer to what Jeff Hawkin describes in his book On Intelligence. No computer comes even close to human intelligence. We can duplicate some characterestics of it but the combination of ability and more importantly learning that humans posses outstrip computers. Not to mention the whole self-awareness thing which we can't even figure out for ourselves let alone program a computer to be self-aware. Enough of this.