Wednesday August 30, 2006 - 12:02PM EDT
I was just readinng an article saying that gas prices will be heading lower because of a number a reason. One of them was an end to some federal regulations that make refining cheaper. I fucking hate that shit. I hate it because I wonder whether certain federal regulation costs were meant to be passed on to the consumer. It bullplop. With oil and refining companies making record profits there seems to be no reason to pass every little change in their balance sheets on to consumer prices. This is one thing that is disturbing about companies. While our federal government is houded for even thinking about taking more money away from the people through raises taxes to meet funding needs fucking companies do that shit all the time. Another example is a federal communications tax that was paid by the telcos which was essentially passed on to the consumer. When that tax was found to be uncounstitutional or something like that and was repealed telcos found it conviennient to raise fees on their services essentially equally what they collected for the tax. Now if that was a government tax that was repealed why didn't the consumer stop having to lose that money. Of course the telcos excuse is that it is a normal price raise. Bullshit. Unless you were making money from that tax (which you were not suppose to, then again with fancy accounting you probably could) there is no reason to raise cost as soon as it is gone. This weak-ass president we have now is a great supporter of these big businesses but he is lowering taxes. It is almost like the government is giving tax revenue to companies instead of reinvesting back in the people. Not quite, but it is not a good thing to have certain corporations that control resources that are essential needs to be making a ton of money becuase their interest is themselves and not the welfare of the populous. No matter how many of the fucking ethanol or "we are making green vehicle and alternative fuels for a better tomorrow" comercials you see. No corporation has ever proven that they are established for the betterment of the populous as a whole, none. Except for non-profits, which in some cases can be just as unscrupulous and detrimental.